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We offer two different shipping options for receiving your new Workhorse Pit: Premium Shipping or Economy Shipping.


1. With Premium Shipping, your order is guaranteed to ship immediately following the completion of your unit's production (within a few days) and be delivered via hot shot transport service ASAP.  For this option, the driver will call in advance to offer a window when your order will be delivered.  The driver will unload your smoker from the truck and leave it in a safe area, but it is your responsibility to move it onto your property or anywhere beyond the main drop-off site.  In the event you are not home, the driver will unload and move the smoker to a safe location.  The driver will not wait or schedule a drop off time.  The driver is contractually obligated to take five photos of your smoker, including one in front of your dwelling, to assure it was delivered safely. 


If you live in a limited access area or outside of the delivery area, we will not be responsible for additional fees or compensate for deliveries in these areas.  It is extremely important to provide your main contact number at the time of check out.


2. Economy shipping was launched to not only provide a deep savings in shipping expenses, but also to ensure safe delivery of your unit by being under the watchful care of one of our partner drivers.  Economy shipping is tentatively routed a few weeks after you've placed an order and is placed on a"planned route" with other units being delivered in the same area, along with units from our sister company.  Our office will not have a firm ship date until after your smoker is completed.  Units on an economy shipping load may take up to 20 days to leave our facility, however, we do make every effort to coordinate delivery just as soon as possible once your smoker is ready to ship.  


Economy shipping offers no flexibility in delivery dates.  Our driver will make contact 24-hours prior to delivery offering a six hour window for arrivalThe driver will unload your smoker from the truck and leave it in a safe area, but it is your responsibility to move it onto your property or anywhere beyond the main drop-off site.  In the event you are not home, the driver will unload and move the smoker to a safe location.  The driver is not able to wait or schedule a drop off time.  The driver is contractually obligated to take five photos of your smoker, including one in front of your dwelling, to assure it was delivered safely.


If you live in a limited access area or outside of the delivery area, we will not be responsible for additional fees or compensate for deliveries in these areas.  It is extremely important to provide your main contact number at the time of check out.


We also offer International shipping! Workhorse Pits customers can be found in many regions across the globe, including Canada, Norway, Germany, New Zealand, Austrailia, Dubai, Tokyo and the UK.  If you want to learn more about our International shipping, please contact us at

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